Today is August 8, 2011 and Day 10 of my juice fast has come and gone.
And although I spent so much time dreaming of all those delicious solid foods I was craving, I have to say nothing seems as satisfying as juice and whole fruits and vegetables right now. I miss my juice.
When I woke on Day 10, I was actually a bit sad that the adventure was coming to a close. But I really did prove a lot to myself over a course of those ten days. I never knew I had so much willpower. I never knew I could feel so passionately about the way I treat my body. Now instead of being mad at my body for not the looking or feeling the way I want it to, it now feels so easy to simply take control and take care of my body every moment of every day.
On the morning of my last day, I set out to run twice as far as I had run in a steady stretch since high school. I arrived at the track, tightened my shoe laces, and just went for it. No excuses, no drawn out pep talk or preparations; I simply told myself I could do something and then went and did it. A month ago, this concept was pretty foreign to me. The other day, when I crossed that dotted line on the track completing my distance goal I felt like a million bucks and I'm pretty sure I got my first taste of runner's high.
Now that I'm a few days into eating solid foods, I've mostly stuck to watery vegetables, fruits, soups and smoothies. I've kicked my coffee habit and continued juicing in the morning instead as it gives me way for energy. Looking back at all the hard work I put in completing the fast I couldn't bear to re-contaminate my body with over-the-counter medications, caffeine, and other chemicals so when my allergies kicked up and got a tight muscle in my back from weight lifting, I refused to turn to Zyrtec and Tylenol to fix my symptoms. That's when I paid a much needed visit to the health food store. I began doing some reading about homeopathic remedies and speaking with my friend who is a registered nutritionist about my options. In addition to taking one teaspoon of raw locally pollinated honey a day to treat seasonal allergies, I purchased a homeopathic liquid remedy for my allergies to animal hair and dander. Due to the countless synthetic fillers that are in regular one-a-day multivitamins I chose for all natural alternatives like spirulina supplements, quercetin and echinacea for immune support, and a few others.
As far as my research goes, I've just barely dipped my toes into the ocean of natural health alternatives but I'm definitely interested in learning more. I will continue to post new interesting information as I study more.
Since the end of the fast, I've noticed an increase in energy and literally no cravings for sugar or things high in fat. I'm actually craving vegetables. I don't even feel like I need to use the salt shaker anymore, which, for those of you who know me should raise a few eyebrows. Being on vacation with my cousins in Cape Cod, I've had the opportunity to eat both healthy foods and have an ice cream cone or two, and I can honestly say that I no longer feel the need for the ice cream, pasta, or potato chips. The way my body and mind are functioning now, I probably wouldn't mind much if the junk never showed up in my pantry ever again. And that is a phenomenal feeling.
To all those who have contacted me about starting your first juice fasts or keep checking in to learn more, best of luck to you and thank you for all your support throughout my experience. Please send me a note if you have any questions and please let me know if you're trying a juice fast out for yourself so I can cheer you on too!
I'll keep you all posted as I learn more about organic health alternatives and tips on living a balanced healthy life style.
I'm off to do a ton of bike riding, deep sea fishing, and tanning on the beach with my family. Over and out!
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