Monday, August 29, 2011

A Letter for Kelly

August 28, 2011

Dear Kelly,

I love you, and I'm so happy you're my best friend. You're family too. And even though we aren't married and living in our respective beach houses with our respective handsome husbands and taking pictures of our pregnant bellies with our cell phones, I don't mind.

You're gonna be the sweet-as-pie school teacher friend with a billion adopted student-kids, and I'll be the crazy gypsy writer friend that you visit in Boston when you're feeling a tad risky. And although your cardigan sweater will faithfully wait for you alongside your spinning globe and piles of ungraded quizzes, and my impossibly tiny desk in my impossibly tiny apartment will await my rapidly typing fingers and the gurgling of my coffee maker, we will have those nights when we remember what it's like to be in stupid-love, drunk with the giggles, fearless in the face of fashion faux pas and high heels at dizzying heights.

We will remember what it feels like to have a good cry because it feels good, and go to the car wash, 'cause that feels good too. And remember how obsessed we were with boy bands, and Leo DiCaprio, glittery nail polish, passing notes, hating our parents, singing Shania Twain at the top of our lungs while sitting in my Mom's parked car because we couldn't wait until we turned 16 to get our licenses and drive with the wind in our hair.

We'll laugh in the face of ugly bridesmaids dresses, annoying coworkers, the freshman 15 that never went away, men who weren't worth our time, and interviewers who never called us back.

"Ha hah!" We shall say, our fists raised in triumph for we have overcome it all, and we barely broke a sweat.

We will nod with knowing eyes at those who warn us of the impending doom of wrinkles, stretch marks, property taxes, mom jeans, tacky home decor choices, and mother-in-laws. For, we have each other. And you and I, my friend, are no run of the mill American girls who settle for humdrum. We are fabulous. We started out fabulous before fabulous was en vogue, with bushy eye brows, Billy Joel tee shirts and crazy dreams - and look at us now.

I can't speak for me, but I can speak for you when I say that there's a reason you light up a room when you walk through the door, and I'll give you a hint: it's not your bronzer or sparkly eye shadow. It's that shiny light inside you, kind of like the one an Angler Fish uses to lure in it's prey (only yours is prettier), that sucks people into your orbit only for them to be wowed further by the many natural wonders of your amazing planet. When people carry their inner lights between their hearts and their sleeves, something magical happens.

Light carriers (that's us) gather into packs and band around one another feeding and growing on a never-ending supply of love that keeps our life-engines running. Unlike so many naysayers in this world, we do not envy the light of others; we celebrate it as if every day were their birthday. And the more we smile, the more others do too, and eventually when you leave the party to head back to the mundane tasks of everyday life, everyone will be left wondering who that girl was - but their not worried - they know they'll see you again.

Because Willie Nelson said it best: we are angels flying too close to ground.

And Aunt Beth said it even better: darling, don't look now but your halo's a little crooked.

We may not be perfect but we are best friends, and that my dear, says it all. Some girls out there may feel their shoulders droop as they watch their lives pass them by; but not us. No ma'am, we're in the ring riding Bodacious the bucking bronco that is life, and we're too busy laughing to worry about the fall. After all, it's only a little dust way down there, and after you fall and shake it all off, there's a line of handsome cowboys waiting by the cattle gates to tip their hats and smile. And I'll be right there beside you with a can of soda, a high five, and a good game.

So when you find yourself comparing yourself to those who appear to be better than you, remember you are worth more then your weight in gold and you have every right to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. I love you. Thanks for being my best friend. You rock like a hurricane.



Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 10 and Beyond

Today is August 8, 2011 and Day 10 of my juice fast has come and gone.
And although I spent so much time dreaming of all those delicious solid foods I was craving, I have to say nothing seems as satisfying as juice and whole fruits and vegetables right now. I miss my juice.

When I woke on Day 10, I was actually a bit sad that the adventure was coming to a close. But I really did prove a lot to myself over a course of those ten days. I never knew I had so much willpower. I never knew I could feel so passionately about the way I treat my body. Now instead of being mad at my body for not the looking or feeling the way I want it to, it now feels so easy to simply take control and take care of my body every moment of every day.

On the morning of my last day, I set out to run twice as far as I had run in a steady stretch since high school. I arrived at the track, tightened my shoe laces, and just went for it. No excuses, no drawn out pep talk or preparations; I simply told myself I could do something and then went and did it. A month ago, this concept was pretty foreign to me. The other day, when I crossed that dotted line on the track completing my distance goal I felt like a million bucks and I'm pretty sure I got my first taste of runner's high.

Now that I'm a few days into eating solid foods, I've mostly stuck to watery vegetables, fruits, soups and smoothies. I've kicked my coffee habit and continued juicing in the morning instead as it gives me way for energy. Looking back at all the hard work I put in completing the fast I couldn't bear to re-contaminate my body with over-the-counter medications, caffeine, and other chemicals so when my allergies kicked up and got a tight muscle in my back from weight lifting, I refused to turn to Zyrtec and Tylenol to fix my symptoms. That's when I paid a much needed visit to the health food store. I began doing some reading about homeopathic remedies and speaking with my friend who is a registered nutritionist about my options. In addition to taking one teaspoon of raw locally pollinated honey a day to treat seasonal allergies, I purchased a homeopathic liquid remedy for my allergies to animal hair and dander. Due to the countless synthetic fillers that are in regular one-a-day multivitamins I chose for all natural alternatives like spirulina supplements, quercetin and echinacea for immune support, and a few others.

As far as my research goes, I've just barely dipped my toes into the ocean of natural health alternatives but I'm definitely interested in learning more. I will continue to post new interesting information as I study more.

Since the end of the fast, I've noticed an increase in energy and literally no cravings for sugar or things high in fat. I'm actually craving vegetables. I don't even feel like I need to use the salt shaker anymore, which, for those of you who know me should raise a few eyebrows. Being on vacation with my cousins in Cape Cod, I've had the opportunity to eat both healthy foods and have an ice cream cone or two, and I can honestly say that I no longer feel the need for the ice cream, pasta, or potato chips. The way my body and mind are functioning now, I probably wouldn't mind much if the junk never showed up in my pantry ever again. And that is a phenomenal feeling.

To all those who have contacted me about starting your first juice fasts or keep checking in to learn more, best of luck to you and thank you for all your support throughout my experience. Please send me a note if you have any questions and please let me know if you're trying a juice fast out for yourself so I can cheer you on too!
I'll keep you all posted as I learn more about organic health alternatives and tips on living a balanced healthy life style.

I'm off to do a ton of bike riding, deep sea fishing, and tanning on the beach with my family. Over and out!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 8: Willpower, Beauty and Weird Dreams

Today marks day eight of my juice fast. For a second there I thought it was day seven still. That was close. After surviving a verbal bombing on day two, day three became just as strenuous when a argument with a family member made me want to eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and snuggle in for a good nap. Instead, I skipped the ice cream and enjoyed a long nap until the cravings subsided.

When my friend told me the first three days were the worst she was completely right. And by “worst” I mean uncomfortable. I wasn’t in excruciating pain or weeping due to hunger. I was simply feeling uncomfortable.

On the morning of day four, I woke up with more energy than I’d had in weeks, and met a friend at the local high school track to do some running. I surprised myself when I ran further for longer (without breaking to walk) than I have since high school. Whether it was the psychological triumph of concurring day three, or the clean energy by body got from the juice I had been consuming for the last four days, whatever it was: the energy and increased endurance felt wonderful.

From day four to day eight, I’ve found that the juice for breakfast has been a phenomenal way to start the day. I never realized how dehydrated my body can become after simply sleeping for 10 hours and not being awake to drink water. The juice in the morning feels like an instant jump-start and is so refreshing to my thirsty muscles and mind. My cravings for solid food have been their strongest between 3 and 5pm, but today was a different story.

Today I’m irritable. The end of this fast is so close I can taste it. Mentally, I feel strong as a bull, but I’m dying for Indian food. Watching the Food Network seemed to pacify my hunger at first, (if I can’t taste it, I might as well look at it) but I believe my strategy has backfired.

On days five and six, I stuck to my guns through an entire baseball game and a full day at the beach. At the game, I was literally surrounded by family members biting into succulent steaming hot dogs smothered with toppings, paper bins filled with salty French fries, and waffle cones towering with Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. But I did not break. The following day was dotted with people snacking on stinky cheeses and apple slices, thick grilled hamburgers, and Oreo cookies. The lovely scent of fried clams wafted from the beach side seafood shacks. It was tough, but I didn’t cheat: not once.

I’ve lost a total of ten pounds, and I keep getting compliments that my skin and eyes look clearer. On day five I was able to do a substantial amount of weight lifting at the gym with plenty of energy to spare. I’m still having very strange dreams, most of them involving food. The night before the baseball game I went to sleep stressed about whether or not my resolve would slip. I dreamt that I was at the Yankee Candle flagship store, hiding in a corner eating trays upon trays of Rice Krispie treats covered in chocolate frosting. Today I took a nap and dreamt that I made vanilla ice cream bars covered in shredded cheese and bacon crumbles. Strangely enough, these dreams seem to leave me feeling more steady in my goal than ever.

My little juice tip of the day: feeling irritated and hungry? Half a lemon adds an amazing zing to any juice mixture. Mine was the juice of two apples, a pear, a cucumber, and half a lemon. It was perfect pick-me-up on a hot afternoon.

Also a tip for those of you just getting started: the more juice the better. Don’t feel like your breaking the rules if you juice more than three or four times a day. If your body is asking for nutrients, answer the call. Remember, your getting raw nutrients in liquid form that absorbs very easily into the body. Nothing bad is happening here. You are doing your body a huge favor and it is screaming “Thank you!!” Don’t let that little diet-voice in your head make you feel guilty for anything. You know which one I’m talking about. Even if you fast for only three days, it’s a huge accomplishment, so celebrate what you can do!

The one thing about doing this fast that I didn’t quite foresee was my recent change in mindset regarding fitness and health. I always tended to regard fitness as something women did to conform, to look hot, and make other people happy. I have come to a new realization that having a healthy body is more important for me to do for my self and my future, instead of simply what I look like in the moment. Someday, this body might save a life or carry a baby and if this body isn’t in good working condition these things, or my life, could result in disaster.

With all this lack of eating, I’ve had a lot of time to observe people. I’ve noticed that although our society places so much importance on women being proportional, skinny, perfect, and pleasing to the eye, we fail to point out that with millions of different people in this world, each person comes in a different shape and size. Many different cultures present many different ideals of beauty, and outer beauty does not always equate to receiving the love and acceptance of others. Besides, when was the last time some else’s approval protected you from the common cold or cured a stiff knee?

Some of the thinnest, most beautiful women are revered as perfect, while the inner workings of their body are crumbling due to bad overall health. Many women, including ones in my own family, have placed so much emphasis on their outward physical appearance that they forget that a thin waist and a perfect haircut are not what makes a marriage work or maintains friendships. Endlessly counting calories and reprimanding everyone at the dinner table for consuming simple carbohydrates detracts from the enjoyment created by the centuries old concept of the dinner gathering.

The gathering of people around food is not what has made this country obese, ill, and depressed. It is the seemingly ceaseless shoveling of fatty, salty, sugary foods that impacts our bodies, and while all that shoveling is happening, no one is speaking to one another. In most countries when family or friends gather for a meal, there is much more talking than eating because while nourishment of the body is very important, the nourishment of the mind and soul are even more so.

I’m not saying that I’m never again going to enjoy a basket of fried clam strips at the beach with my cousins. I’m saying that while my taste buds are enjoying the flavor explosion of crispy fried fresh clams and my nose soaks in the scent of the sea, my ears and eyes will be focused on my family. My mind and my voice are dedicated to the conversation, because just like repeatedly working a muscle will strengthen it, our interpersonal relationships are only made stronger when we maintain them by visiting, listening, and taking an active roll in the lives of those we love.

When relationships atrophy, outer beauty solves nothing.

Yes, maybe I will live out the rest of my life with a round Polish butt, thick Welsh calves, a square jaw like my father, and a small bust like my mother. They will probably prevent me from being a runway model. But none of these things can prevent me from learning, teaching, loving or being loved, nurturing, laughing, or creating. These traits are not things to be hidden or to be ashamed of, but they are things that make me Krysta.

And for those of you reading this, I’m sure you have parts of your body that you are not particularly fond of, but I would much rather get to know your mind, your spirit, and your passions than memorize your faults. Those who choose to remind you of your faults are only plagued by their own, and are not worth your time.

Please take care of the body God gave you not because your mother said so, or your boyfriend won’t sleep with you, or the Victoria’s Secret models intimidate you. Take care of your body because it’s the only one you get. You were placed on this earth for a purpose, whether or not you know what it is yet. Your body is the only vehicle you have to navigate these wonderful years, so be good to it. Don’t starve it. Don’t make it feel guilty for enjoying tasty foods and physical pleasure. Don’t overload it with chemicals and cholesterol to the point where it forgets how to function. You were given legs and arms and eyes to explore this world and move among the elements and your fellow man, so use it to the fullest. Let those taste buds tingle and pleasure receptors fire. Let your blood and tissues rejoice when flooded with nutrients. You have all the tools you need and your body will speak if you listen. You have more willpower than you think you do.

Your existence is a miracle in itself. If you ever doubt this, call your parents and they will remind you. Do your miracle justice and live a selfishly healthy life, honoring your thighs, and your bloodstream, your vocal chords and everything in between. You deserve it.

Suddenly, day eight doesn’t seem so bad. Day nine: bring it on.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Days 2 & 3: Food Fantasies

Tonight marks the end my third day on my juice-fasting adventure.
And believe it or not, I feel pretty good. But it hasn’t been easy.

The night between the first and second day was rough. My sleep was punctuated by nightmares, dry heaves, and a killer headache. Somewhere around 3am I took my pillow and blanket into the air conditioned guest room, and slept like a baby in the cool air until morning.

Gladly, I woke up on day two without a headache. I began my day with a juice made from 1 cucumber, 1 bunch of red grapes, 1 peeled orange, and 1 apple. I also found that ginger is very soothing for an upset stomach, so as a midmorning snack, I juiced 1 apple with a tiny bit of ginger. It almost tastes like mulled cider, very yummy.

I realized at this point that the trick is to keep drinking tons of water to avoid headaches and stay fully hydrated in the hot weather.

For lunch, I was on the run, so I grabbed a “Bolthouse Farms” Green Goodness fruit smoothie. This company makes phenomenal all-natural products like beverages and salad dressings that are gluten free, have no preservatives, no artificial colors or flavors, and no genetically modified ingredients. One bottle of this 100% magic juice/fruit puree costs about $5 and it contains 8 servings of pureed natural fruit. This particular smoothie contains over 20 different ingredients but the top ones are 3 apples, ½ pineapple, 1 mango, 1 banana, 1 kiwi fruit, spirulina, spinach, broccoli, wheat grass, garlic, and blue green algae. I know, what your thinking. “Ew, algae.” But the smoothie is actually very tasty and mildly sweet.

I spent the day at Mystic Seaport in Mystic, CT. For those of you who’ve never been there, I highly recommend taking a stroll through this living seaport village/museum and learning about all things maritime. You can check out the re-created 19th century maritime village, the historic ships (like the Amistad), the preservation shipyard, and the various gallery exhibits. Not to mention, the 20-something guy working iron in the old blacksmith shop looks like Fabio. What’s not to like?

Okay, so back to juice. Around dinnertime I really started to fantasize about food. I mentioned earlier that I was craving oysters and the cravings only got worse while I walked around the town of Mystic, the perfect place for fresh oysters, not to mention the home of Mystic Pizza. It was tough walking past the smell of fresh pizza, steaks houses, seafood restaurants boasting succulent lobsters, and the intoxicating perfume of freshly made waffle cones in the local ice cream shop. But I stuck to my guns. I dragged my hungry complaining self into the health food store and enjoyed a lovely pick me up of mango and pineapple blended with pure coconut water. I justified having coconut water because technically it is the juice of a plant, besides it’s loaded with electrolytes and potassium.
Three bottles of water and 4 hours later, I made it to bed feeling a little mentally foggy, but thankfully having a calm stomach.

Today, (day 3) has been the easiest so far.
For breakfast, I had juice made from 2 cucumbers (which are 95% water with a nice mild flavor) a small finger of ginger, and a large bunch of grapes. This juice was mild and subtly sweet. The ginger helped calm my grumbling stomach and all the water from the cucumbers was great to rehydrate after a full night’s sleep.

Lunch consisted of juice from 1 pear, and a quarter of a watermelon. Watermelon makes a delightfully sweet and satisfying juice and it’s packed with vitamin C.

Because my day consisted mostly of running occasional errands, reading, and cleaning the house, my boredom kept tugging at me with beautiful imaginary visuals of different foods. Today’s fantasy? A roast beef sandwich with creamy mayonnaise and thick slices of American cheese. At one point today, I was so distracted my by solid-food-dream that I actually locked my keys in my truck while pumping gas. Thank goodness for helpful gas station attendants and spare keys.

Today I encountered my first mental challenge. It’s becoming easier to resist the urge to cheat by eating junk food, but today someone who vehemently disagreed with the idea of juice fasting made his voice very clear…all…day…long. He simply would not agree to disagree. I’m not sure what made this young man so angry about my choice to follow through with this juice fast, but he took it upon himself to bully and harass me via Facebook and text message all day long finally signing off at about 8pm with a simple, “Krysta, you’re a f@#*ing idiot.”

Although the harassment stabbed a little trip in my step today, I didn’t falter and my goal was not compromised. Luckily, I’m surrounded by many lovely supportive people who believe that there are many different paths one can take to good health. So to all those who have offered their encouragement, kind words, and support, thank you a million times over!

So, now that I find myself wrapping up the third day, I’m excited to know that the hardest part is over, and I’m 6 pounds lighter than when I started out.

To those of you who had a few questions for me, I’m going to do my best to answer them.

1. How much does it cost?

The juicer I bought was about $100 from Bed Bath & Beyond. It is a Jack LaLanne Power Juicer. Although it’s pricey, it got the best reviews for durability and extracts 30% more juice than cheaper ones. Not to mention an awesome investment for my health.
As far as veggies and fruits go, half of them I bought at a farmers market, the other half I bought at the grocery store. Enough fresh produce for about 7 days cost me $47. I decided to do a 10 day fast, but some people have chosen to go longer. The creator of the film “Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead” drank nothing but fresh juice for 60 days and lost around 98 lbs. He has kept it off by sticking with a primarily plant based diet and incorporating a lot of exercise.

2. What are the health benefits?

The health benefits of a juice fast vary between people. But for the most part, throughout the fasting period you are essentially consuming a liquid vegetarian diet. Because all of your veggies and fruits are still raw, they still contain most of their vital nutrients, and in liquid form those essential vitamins and minerals are more easily absorbed into your body. By fasting on juice only for a length of time, your body soaks up only what it needs and flushes the toxins that have settled in the muscle tissues, the blood stream, the liver, and the digestive system. This is a sure-fire way to reboot a sluggish immune system and banish chronic cravings for salty, fatty, sugary foods.

3. What did my doctor say?

Because I am a young, healthy individual at a normal body weight, I had very little to worry about. My doctor cleared me to do the fast as long as I promised to stay hydrated. The natural elements of fruits and vegetables will sustain the body throughout the day, and many people have said that towards the end of the fast, they actually have more energy and vitality than they did while eating their regular diet.
I do not have any outstanding health issues such as diabetes, epilepsy, or any autoimmune disorders; therefore I am taking very little risk.
When my grandmother decided to do the fast with me, I strongly recommended she be supervised by her doctor, just in case. The only thing he recommended differently for her is that she continue to take her daily vitamin supplements, otherwise she was free to continue with the fast.

If you would like to read more about preparing your body for a juice fast, what medications you can take, or how long you should reboot for: please go to This website will answer all of your questions.

If you haven’t yet seen the film “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead” please stream it on Netflix, or check out the website The film and the story about the lives changed are truly inspirational. If Phil the Truck Driver can lose 202 lbs juicing and reboot his entire life, we can handle 10 days of veggies too.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Juice Fasting: Day 1

Today is Tuesday July 26th, and I have begun a 10 day juice fast.
After watching a documentary last week entitled "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" I was inspired to do a juice fast of my own to cleanse my body of toxins, boost my immune system, and lose a few pounds. Joe Cross, the creator of the film, dedicated himself to 60 days of consuming nothing but fresh juice while traveling from Australia to New York City - then across the US- spreading his knowledge on the health benefits of juicing and consuming a plant-based diet. Through his journey he greatly improved his health, lost a ton of weight, and impacted countless lives.

(If you'd like to see the film or read more about juicing, check out the website:

After watching a few testimonials and seeing others have success with juicing, I chose to invest in a good juicer and begin a 10 day juice fast.

Day 1:
For breakfast, I drank juice made from 1 orange, 2 apples, 2 carrots, 1 zucchini, and 1 yellow squash. It filled me up and gave me energy to start the day. It was a little too sweet for my taste, so I may cut the carrots by half next time. When noon rolled around, I had a little twinge of a headache, but nothing I couldn't ignore. Then my first strong craving hit: raw oysters piled high with caviar and spicy horseradish cocktail sauce. I just kept drinking water.

Around 1:30pm, my grandmother and I departed for the farmer's market in Northampton, MA. For under $20 I stocked up on loads of fresh green onions, kale, heirloom tomatoes, plump cucumbers, hearty cloves of garlic, a few fingers of ginger, and some sweet potatoes. I couldn't stop admiring the bright colors and beautiful shapes of the fresh produce and wildflowers throughout the market. I began craving crunch. I could have eaten an huge onion raw, like an apple.

An hour later, we passed through the ice cream shop (without stopping) and cut through Thorne's Market to cross Main Street. We enjoyed two tall glasses of fresh juice at the Haymarket Juice Joint, and stared longingly at the vegan chocolate torte and hazelnut chocolate mousse behind the display case. I ordered a "Gin & Tonic" which consisted of juices from apple, pineapple, ginger, cucumber, and spirulina (a high-protein blue green algae). It was quite tasty, but it wasn't long before a slight wave of nausea came over me, so I didn't try to force the last eighth of it down.

As we strolled down the sidewalk headed for an art gallery, I spotted a sign for a lawyers' office and one of their last names was "Butterfield". Immediately my brain read "buttermilk" and for the rest of the afternoon I would have eaten anything that simply stated the word buttermilk in the title. I can almost taste the word as I say it aloud.

Later, lifting my skirts and running through the rain on my way back to the car, I passed a 3-peice bluegrass band huddled in a shop doorway playing at full tilt. In that moment, my life (and my movement) had a soundtrack. Pure joy.

Braving violent rainstorms we came home to whip up my liquid dinner: the juice of 1 green onion, 1 heirloom tomato, 2 cloves of garlic, and a handful of kale with a touch of Tabasco sauce. Although this savory juice sounded like a fabulous mixture (like salsa) it was the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. I choked most of it down like a big girl. The spice of the onion and garlic were nice, but I've concluded that no matter how they are prepared, I simply dislike raw tomatoes. Lesson learned. My belly is full and my onion breath is lovely (kinda).

I'm sure you're all wondering if I'm in absolute agony yet. Well, overall, I feel pretty good. My brain feels a little foggy, and I have a dull headache, but by belly is full and I feel satisfied. I expected to feel sick from hunger and a drop in blood sugar, but the calories and fiber from the juice have really kept me feeling stable throughout the day. My body definitely feels like it's busy being cleansed; my muscles are almost humming and my digestive tract is definitely functioning. A friend advised that the first three days are the hardest, and if I make it through day three, I'll "be golden".

Surprisingly, although I did have a few strange cravings throughout the day, they didn't feel overwhelming. And I'm pretty proud that I didn't give in and eat two dozen oysters and a stack of buttermilk pancakes. One day down: nine more to go, and still feeling motivated. Wish me luck!